

Ryan | 20 years old

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I want to be apart of a team and have practices held so we can work on strategy, game-play, go over film, and overall become better as a team. I hope that you read this and know I am a good person

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I am a support role in game but also take control with my play-style. I main Brimstone as of right now, but i can play whatever roll is needed on your team. I can play cypher, I know all of his camera spots, most of his one ways, and I know of some pretty cool trip wires that the opponents never see. I can play a fragger roll if need be, I would probably play jett or raze if we needed the fragger roll because I like their mobility and the way they can move around. I average 10-25 kills per game. I play with plats and diamonds when i 5 stack. I am just looking to work with people as a team. I hope that me being in gold 2 right now doesn't put you down to think less of me because I know if I have a team to work with we can make something great happen.


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