

Grant Stevens | 23 years old

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I would like to achieve (at the very least) Diamond tier in competitive Valorant. To do this, I need to be part of a team who can a) help me grow in my skill and game awareness b) be teammates I can trust to pull off risky plays that pay off, and c) show me ways I can improve (because sometimes I can be a bot)

While at my current level of skill, I don't believe I am cut out to play esports professionally. However, it is an ambition of mine to be able to have people know my name in the gaming sphere, not as just a content creator, but as a player with skill, knowledge, and desire to improve constantly. I plan on trying out for the Valorant esports team (assuming the 4 year university I will attend has one), which should hopefully allow me to have a much larger foot in the door for future opportunities.

online experience

  • Streaming on Twitch twice a week since September 2019
  • Managing an active discord community for a couple years.

offline experience

  • 10 years of public speaking, leadership, and mentoring experience


I am currently a college student, closing in on an Associate of Arts at Pikes Peak Community College. I'm hoping to get a Bachelors of Business degree, which I would use to hopefully start my own gaming-related business, whether it be a playspace for LAN parties, or just a collectible and retro store, I want to work in a field related to games. I've been working on building my brand on Twitch, which has proven to be difficult, as school and work is my top priority. However, I've made it close to reaching Affiliate with the small amount of live time per week I can manage, so I feel I can address that to my personality (and potentially skill, but I'm not the judge of that.)

Most of my Valorant experience has been with my friends from other games (mainly Destiny 2), or solo queuing, so I feel that my skill could definitely improve by finding a team/coach that can help me achieve more.

Working in the gaming industry as either a player, producer, or designer has been a dream of mine for a long time, and I would like to try even the smallest chance I get to be able to live my dream.


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