

Egor | 25 years old

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I want to be the best player on the best team, my aspirations for the game are beyond the horizon, as i am dedicated to go pro in Valorant and compete against the best players and teams in the world.

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Greetings, my name is Egor or better known as "Gsix", i am a 22 year old college students who has an incredible amount of drive and passion towards Valorant, my goal is simple, it is to be the best player on the best the team. I want to join a squad of like minded individuals who share the same level of dedication, drive and passion for the game and the competition as a whole. I believe that i will make a great addition to any roster as i consider myself to be extremely adaptive to any play style. I main duelists such as Jett and Reyna with enough experience on other duelists to easily shift my skill set over to their kit and i also main Sentinels like Cypher and Killjoy, i can also play smokes but the Duelist and Sentinel are the roles i excel at the most with duelist being my most comfortable role. I have tons of high T3 and Mid T2 experience from tournaments such as GLG and MSI, Texas Challangers, NSG Summer Champs and Pitsburg Knights as well as tons of experience from scrims. My schedule is pretty open and it will stay that way till fall of 2021 when my classes will resume but even with those classes i will be able to practice pretty much all the time.


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