
GTL Travel

Jacob | 22 years old

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My names Travel, I play every single day as much as I can handle before my body just says no.

I’m 19, I work a full time job M-F 8-5. I still try and get between 5-6 hours of Valorant a day. I’m currently immortal 1 and plan to continue to go up the ranks.

I play mostly skye, however icebox I run sova. I can flex omen as well if needed.

I don’t know what else to really put here. Honestly I’m just looking for a team that will grind as much as I do, just play and play and play and aim train and make each other better. But if the team isn’t playing as serious and as often as I am and plan to continue then I won’t be interested. I’m not toxic in game or IRL, I just want to be upfront.

Lastly reading this back makes me sound very cocky, I’m not. I don’t know if I’m better than you or whoever I’m facing in comp, till the match is over. But I do know that I will be regardless, as long as I don’t stop the grind.

Much love ~travel

P.S. feel free to send any questions my way✌🏽


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