
HBW Emi ⁠ツ

Emilian | 121 years old

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My ambitions are to train daily until I reach ascendant/immortal and from there trying to start getting recognized for my skill. I also wanna shoot for playing for a professional team in the big stage, participate in tournaments and vct.

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I'm Emi and I'm 16 years old. I'm a peak diamond 1 player and I'm a chamber main. Beside chamber I can play all agents but the agents that I can play the best are cypher(maining him since 2021 when I started playing),chamber(recently started playing him more),pheonix(I can play him on some maps efficiently),omen(not much to say just been filing smokes for a while🥲),Sova(I can only play him on ascent since I know the lineups better). With 469 hours in the game I have an competitive performance of 1.11kd and 15.3% hs. My hs% from my last 20 games is 25.1% and an estimated kd would be 1.25-1.35. My current rank is platinum 1. I deranked a lot due to some teammates who played alone and wouldn't want to play as a team or throwers. I'm usually a midfragger/topfragger while also trying to tell my team how to play aka coaching them(most times they don't care at all resulting in loosing important rounds are almost loosing the rounds). When playing with my friends I try to be a igl for them since I have a high percentage of predicting plays. I also have a valuable amount of skills from csgo. I have a high gamesense which most of the times help me win clutches and make good plays despite having a mid aim.


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