
Homie #6969

Ivaylo Georgiev | 22 years old

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A very dedicated player, that seeks for a future in the professional scene of Valorant and is always targeted at getting better and improving not only himself, but the people surrounding him.

online experience

  • NUEL University Tournaments - 1 year (so far)
  • NSE University Tournaments - 1 year (so far)

offline experience

  • CS:GO Experience - 5 years - FACEIT Level 10 reached



My nickname, Homie, comes from a long time, about 2016, when I started playing Counter Strike. It was given to me by a couple of friends, as I was always very positive and supportive around everyone. However, I dropped from CS:GO, because it was just not the game. I believe that Valve does not give the people what they should and they could do a lot better.

A friend introduced me to Valorant and since it looked very similar to CS:GO, I decided to give it a go. Turns out, this is my favourite game and I love playing it on daily basis. When I started playing it (since the beta), I reached Diamond. Then I went to university (shout out to my boys at Roehampton) for my first year (2020) and found out there was an e-sports scholarship, which I applied for and achieved. Ever since then, I've been competing in NUEL and NSE tournaments against other universities around the country. Considering our team's skills, knowledge and capability, we couldn't reach the top places, especially facing full Radiant teams. However, I wouldn't quit competing, because I believe we can always do better.


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