

Wade | 21 years old

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Strat caller Strat caller
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I hope to find a team that when they die they don't rage and instead give out info so that I know what is going on. Another thing I hope to achieve is to do scrims and win money after all the hard work that I put in with my team. I could definitely see myself going pro and will be doing youtube and twitch on Valorant so that I can also put myself out there.

online experience

  • Use to play CSGO

offline experience

  • No experiences yet


I am 17 years old and my Main game use to be CSGO. I also have 1,100 hours on CSGO and use to have a team. The team I use to have was good at CSGO but they never committed during practice to focus and work together to practice our nades and aim so I left my CSGO team for that reason.. Also,I have a lot of free time, I love to practice and am interested in playing Valorant at a Pro level because I have the free time to grind and get better if needed. I use to play the beta and dropped a 43 bomb in Valorant and fell in love with the game because it felt like an easy game compared to CSGO. This is because in CSGO I could barely see my targets sometimes but in Valorant they are glowing Red for me because you can choose the color of how they glow when they appear on you're screen. I am a very competitive person and rarely rage when It isn't needed so that I can make a call out for info. I also play a Duelist named Pheonix because I can really do what he is meant for which is Fragging and gaining info. When I play Pheonix I always call my flashes out and make sure that I make the flashes tight around corners so that I don't accidentally blind my teammates and get them killed. I would say that I have very good aim that most people don't have that I built up from playing mostly FPS games and would consider my aim and tracking very good. I usually can have a good economy because I am smart on how I buy my things when it is first round or second, if I lose first round or second I just buy light armor and some abilities so that I don't have to buy a pistol and still can full buy the next round we win or lose. I always communicate with my team and say when I am gonna be aggressive and when I am gonna full buy. My average games when I do good I drop 20-30 kill games but my bad games are 10-18 kill games. I'd say my weakness is just decision making and that is it.


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