

John | 22 years old

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I want to help my team , my teammates to reach the top , as well as carrying , playing with a team , or help them improve on what they lack , share my knowledge of the game , and experience and work on making them becoming the best player in the region , next internationally , and at least try to get a world title , those are big ambition indeed but without those goals , how are you supposed to push yourself to your limit and beyond?

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I'm a valorant player , Immortal , relying more on utility than actual aim , playing since beta , this is my first tactical shooter , I haven't play CS:GO before or any CS tbh , I did play some Call of duty and Fortnite , but wasn't really good at fortnite , i prefer valorant , it suits me more , and I appreciate the gameplay , I want to join an esport team as a player or streamer to share content , my passion for video games , and maybe help people improve , make them smile and give some kind of comfort .


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