

Tanner | 123 years old

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I'm looking to join a team bc I would like to out in a lot of effort to get really good at this game. I currently play around 6ish hours a day and want to play more, which would be much easier with a team. I believe a team can make players grow exponentially faster due to the multitude of players and coaches coming together and grinding.

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I'm a Plat 1 sentinel/duelist player. Agents I prefer to play would be Killjoy, Reyna, Raze, Cypher, Phoenix, and Jett, in no specific order depending on the maps. Lately I have been playing sentinels, but still enjoy to drops 20 bombs with a duelist. I like to think that I have good strategic mind and game sense. I really enjoy thinking up strategies to out play and out maneuver my opponents. I feel like I as a player to a very good job at filling roles. Depending on the agent I'm playing and the map I am on I acknowledge that there are certain roles that I need to fill. Such as entry-ing when playing an agent such as Phoenix or Reyna on attack or anchoring as sentinel such as cypher/killjoy on defense, etc. I do believe that I could fill any agent and any role with consistent practice other than smokes. My discord is jug 殀#0011


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