

Kerry Han | 19 years old

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I wish deeply that I improve massively on my skills to achieve greatness. Maybe I may want to be a leader, maybe not, but one thing is for certain is that I want to be a gamer. I want to achieve fame and to show my parents and loved ones as to what I can do. So far they all frown upon the idea of me doing this. They all believe that I can’t do it, but I know, deep down, that I can.

online experience

  • I got to Silver Elite in CS-Go.
  • I got very close to reaching my silver 1 in Valorant, but the season ended.

offline experience

  • I plan on installing aim training so that I may train myself to react faster and to aim for head shots.


My name is Kerry Han, I was born in Vietnam and lived there for over 12 years before moving to the US about 4 and a half years ago. During my time in Vietnam, I learnt in a British international school, which is where I learnt to speak English. Additionally, I picked up gaming at about the youthful age of 8, playing nothing complicated until I reached the fine age of 12 in middle school where I started off playing CS. I was fairly decent, getting up to Silver Elite before being forced by my parents to resume back to my studies. As the years went on my taste and hunger for video games quickly grew and I no longer wanted to just sit behind a screen a play for no reason. I needed direction and to prove to myself and others, including my parents, that I am more than what I tell them. I told them of my dreams, but they didn’t believe me. They said they felt extreme disappointment, but I know I can make my dreams work, I just need time. I guarantee you that with time, I will be able to massively improve my abilities and what I can offer on the table. Right now it is not much, but I know I am certainly capable in doing so. Thank you for your time and I hope to see who ever is reading this is the near or long future.

- Sincerely, Kerry.


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