

Jackson Wilkie | 19 years old

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I have a long list of goals that I know I will complete with hard work and perseverance. Some of these goals include:
- Joining a team
- Win my first Valorant Scrim
- Win my first Valorant Tournament
- Become friends with my teammates
- Learn from mistakes better
- Learn how to stay calm

online experience

  • Hit plat 3 in rainbow six siege on ps4 and pc
  • Taken Computer Science since 6th grade

offline experience

  • Baseball since I was 5, Made varsity as a Sophomore and lettered that year. Showed leadership skills.


Hello To Everyone Reading.

My Name is Jackson "Kogeki" Wilkie, I'm a 16 Highschooler from Boise, Idaho and I love competitive videogames. I thrive off of out skilling my opponents and always have since I was a kid, which is why when Valorant was launched and I had a pc, i decided to dedicate my time to it. Since I hit plat 2 in September, I finally was able to complete some goals including looking into tournaments and teams on different websites, including seek team, allowing me take a step towards my next big goal of winning a big tournament. I'm a competitive person, and I will do whatever it takes to get my team the win, which is why I know I will excel when I'm exposed to a team full of like-minded, positive, helpful and fun people. I look forward to where I go next!


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