

Alexander | 24 years old

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I want to excel in Valorant and make a name for myself with a competitive team that accepts me and works well with how I play. I don't know if I can ever go pro, but it's something I would gladly jump at the chance to participate in. Competitive 5v5's are just so insanely fun, and being able to do that for a living is a dream come true. Meeting others who play well with me and share my love of the game would be amazing. I love Valorant and I want to improve as much as I can and beyond.

online experience

  • Casual 5v5's

offline experience

  • No experiences yet


Hi, my name is Alex and I'm currently searching for a high level competitive valorant team. It's been my dream to be part of a competitive squad that plays together in competitions and scrims against other high level teams. I'm a CS:GO player that peaked at DMG, but I could never improve myself beyond that. It was evident that I was not good enough to be part of the competitive scene. Valorant however, is a new beginning and new hope for me. I hit P3 in Act 1, but unfortunately didn't have the time to fully commit to grinding higher. My rank in my opinion, doesn't equally reflect my skill and mentality for the game. I consistently played equal to, or better than high level diamond players. I am really struggling in the beginning of Act 2 to climb, however. I decided to play placements with some of my Gold friends to see if I could get them higher ranks, but I ended up ruining my MMR and started off in Gold. I've now climbed to Plat 3, but I've just been getting annoyed with randoms who have high egos and don't play with the team. I'd like to transfer my skills from online play against randoms to a coordinated team that participates in coordinated 5v5's. I believe that with a team that communicates effectively and works well together, will boost the appearance of my skill. In online games, I'm usually the person making callouts, strategies, giving information, and trying to keep my team from raging at each other. I constantly try to keep everyone's mentality healthy and have high hopes to come back and win seemingly impossible games. I'd average my mechanical skills to be equal to high diamond, but as of recently I've only been solo queuing since many of my friends are either too low in skill level, or we just don't play well as a team. I hope that a high level team out there gives me a chance to show all the benefits I can bring to the squad as a player. I know that if I'm part of a competitive team, I can be much better than what I'm experiencing in online ranked. I usually play the role of entry frag, and I know that I will be more confident in my abilities knowing that a team behind me will follow me in and trade kills rather than just sit in the back afk and bait me. Thank you for reading my resume, and please reach out if these are the qualities of a player that you want to have on your team.


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