

Christopher Regalado | 22 years old

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Driven by a relentless passion for excellence, my ambitions extend beyond personal achievements to contribute significantly to the growth and success of a professional Valorant team. Aspiring to be a key player in the competitive scene, I aim to continuously elevate my skills, bring innovative strategies to the team, and actively contribute to the evolving meta. Committed to fostering a positive team environment.

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Aspiring professional Valorant player with a peak rating of Ascendant 2, seeking to contribute exceptional duelist skills and deep game knowledge to a pro team.

Professional Experience:

Ascendant 2 Player (Main Duelist): Versatile duelist consistently maintaining Ascendant 2 rank. Expertise in all duelist agents with a focus on strategic and impactful play. As a second main on a smoker agent, I bring an additional layer of strategic depth with specialized lineups

Tournament Participation: Actively competed in local and online tournaments, showcasing adaptability and quick decision-making under pressure.


Agent Proficiency: Mastery of all agents, maximizing impact with strategic use of abilities.

Game Knowledge: In-depth understanding of Valorant mechanics, map layouts, and meta trends.

Communication: Effective team communicator, emphasizing collaboration and teamwork.

Analytical Thinking: Quick decision-making based on opponent analysis and situational awareness.

Adaptability: Agile playstyle, adjusting strategies to evolving in-game situations.


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