

Talon LaChance-Martin | 22 years old

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I say this all the time but my Main ambition is to be a Professional valorant competitor. I also enjoy livestreaming and entertaining people as I play. If I can I wish to be a part of a tight-knit team that's willing to put in the effort to be the best!

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Heyo! I'm MrZer0, Zer0's what they call me. Let's see, where to start? I'm 20 years old, and currently streams everyday but Saturday grinding away at valorant. Currently I have zero tournament experience, but if you can give me a chance, I'm sure I would surprise you! Valorant is my first competitve FPS, and I've worked all the way from Iron2 to my peak of diamond1. I believe this won't be my peak for long.

Currently my schedule is free but around April 10th, 2022 it will be unknown. (I WILL UPDATE THIS ASAP)

I Believe it's important for anyone taking interest to know that I am currently dealing with medical problems that can make my improvement slow, and consistency waver sometimes. To explain this further, I have neuropathy in my hands and arms and nerve damage in my lower back. Sometimes it can put me in some pain like a sharp buzzing, if you will. But as I've dealt with this pain for quite a few years, as long as it's not bad I will be fine.


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