

bjunk | 28 years old

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Hey there,

I've played games competitivly before. I come from MOBA's, started off a bit in League of Legends before I moved over to Smite, where I played as close to semi-pro as you could in those days. I've also worked behind the scenes in the same game as a sub-admin for Hi-rez as well as worked with communities in the past to hold online and offline events. I've also coached in both CS and Smite.

I'm not really looking to go pro in Valorant, I just like to improve and play on high level as I enjoy the enviroment. I've had my own teams before in CS:GO as well, which I've played 2k+ hours in and my team was middle+/high. I've done shotcalling in both MOBA's and CS before as well as main a supportive role but I'm adaptable.

I'm kinda just looking for a consistent group to play with and climb ranked with. I don't mind doing scrims, tournies or having "practice" times. I'm very flexible, so ^^ ... All I ask is that whoever is reaching out is dia 1 or higher and at least 18 + years old. As for my own rank, I am currently Dia 3. As for what I main in Valorant, I tend to go for more supportive Agents such as Cypher, Brimstone and sage but as I said, I'm flexible and won't back down from learning or improving with other agents if needed.


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