

Jake | 26 years old

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Strat caller Strat caller
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Simply give my all in whatever I do, and see where that takes me.

online experience

  • 1300+ hours in CSGO

offline experience

  • College student
  • Bartender


Hi my name is Jake and I'm 22 years old. I've been playing PC shooters since I was 15, of which Counter-Strike has always been my favorite. I have lots of practice with good communication, but tend not to be the shotcaller when playing competitive. I would say my strength in terms of team play is ensuring the team stays positive and optimistic, even when doing poorly. I am looking to do some tournaments and have a flexible schedule to work around practices, especially during the time being with the pandemic going on. My most played characters are Sova, Phoenix, and omen, but I can really play whatever a team needs.

Outside of gaming I go to school at Arizona State University getting a bachelor's Communications, and usually work in the restaurant business. I was a server for 3 years and have been bartending for just over a year now. I find that my constant interactions with unique people at work have taught me the skills needed to get along with almost anyone, while being capable of voicing my opinion.


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