

Lucas Drummond | 27 years old

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I have the highest ambitions of reaching Immortal rank in Valorant and currently putting in 5-6 hours a day on weekdays and 30 hours on the weekends (60 hours a week practice)

Playing for a top level ORG as a pro Valorant player.

online experience

  • Apex Legends ALGS

offline experience

  • Apex Legends PAX west stage
  • Fortnite PAX west stage
  • Halo Reach LAN tournament PAX west


Competitive FPS player for over 10+ years
Originating from console playing semi pro CoD MW2 and CoD 4 with now 2 years PC MnK experience and playing at the highest levels.

Played overwatch for over a year at high diamond - masters rank (ana,mcree,orisa)

Recently retired: Predator FA Apex Legends player, played in 2 ALGS tournaments seeding to final round as IGL with no ORG
currently playing alongside the highest level predators on the leader board casually

I understand my resume seems bare bones but I can assure my game play is not. I have plenty experience as an IGL in high competitive games at the top level so I understand how a team should be ran and how to follow direction.
I provide the upmost positive energy and try my best to provide feedback on any given situation if needed.

I have little LAN experience but have performed on stage at PAX west 2019 playing Apex Legends and Fortnite
Also participating in a Halo:Reach LAN tournament at PAX west 2017 achieving top 5 final score.

With the right opportunity I am looking to quit my job to pursue gaming full time and put in 80+ hours a week of practice. =


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