

Phillip Puschel | 26 years old

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I would love to have a full Valorant team, or any other team, to consistently play with. I pick up every FPS game very quickly and am on the rise to the highest rankings in Valorant. I would like to play for an esports team and hopefully improve my skill and become a top tier player. My end goal is to play for Cloud 9 esports and be a professional player. It's a dream every young child wishes they could have but it is also something I am trying to make a reality. I will not stop until I do.

online experience

  • I have played in Galactic Bears Gaming tournaments and finished in the top half.

offline experience

  • I play 1/5 the amount of time as a popular streamer and my stats are proportional to 1/5 of their time spent playing.


I am a 23 y.o. Gamer. I have been on pc for around 10 years now. I started my pc fps games off with PUBG and worked my way to more competitive titles such as Call of Duty, Fortnite, and Valorant. I have been streaming since 2012 and just recently hit affiliate after taking it seriously the past 6 months. I am always the top fragger on my teams in just about every game I play whether it be online or with friends. I served in the United States Marine Corps for a few years and am back at it in the civilian world trying to make something out of myself. I started gaming before the Marines playing Halo 2 and the 2v2 competitive mode it offered on xbox. I was a squad leader for my platoon incharge of 12 Marines at any given time. I had quite a bit of duties I had to organize and take care of to make sure we were fit for our daily tasks. One of these included the physical training of my Marines.


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