

Zach Trenberth | 23 years old

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Really looking for a team that is serious about improvements to their own play and the teams play. I understand that saying I want to go pro is a pipe dream but I'm looking for players who are willing to improve and look forward towards a larger goal.

Tournament play potentially?

online experience

  • In houses and Semi-pro custom matches
  • Scrims (CSGO, League)

offline experience

  • No experiences yet


Beta Player within the first week. Peaked at plat 3 I believe... I have plenty of competitive experience from a year on a semi-pro cs:go team, 2 years on a semi-pro League Of Legends team, 1 year of experience as a Coach for my colleges League team as well as 5 to 6 years of competitive Smash experience. In Valorant I'm still trying to learn and figure out my own play style as well as what works and what doesn't. I'm willing to slot into any role on a team and ready to learn what needs to be done. In terms of commitment and availability that can be discussed later, currently a college student and a part time job but I'm willing to make the time if anyone is serious about playing.

I like to play breach, Sova, cypher and Jett but I'm willing to play all characters


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