

Shane | 21 years old

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To improve myself to a higher level with like minded people, and one day, go pro. I believe that all people have the ability to get to a level of play that they are satisfied with, all they have to do is put in the hardwork.

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Hi, my name is Rei and I've been looking to get into the competitive scene in Valorant for a while, I'm currently plat 3 but peaked Diamond 1 last act and have hit it this act. I believe I have a good understanding of the game, each agent, and all utility. I can fill just about any agent although recently I have been practicing a lot of Viper, Killjoy, and Sage. I don't tilt easily and am always positive, yet serious when in game. I have a lot of experience in FPS games, hitting Diamond in Apex Legends, and MG in CSGO. I put alot of effort into improving myself every day, and really try to take my mistakes and learn from them. I routinely do Vod reviews of games to see my mistakes, and what I could do better next time.


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