

Nelly | 20 years old

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I want to improve my own skill, improve my overall game sense and team cooperation. In my opinion, growing along with a group of people is probably the best way to grow and improve as a player. Making some good friends along the way is also a bonus!!

online experience

  • No experiences yet

offline experience

  • Used to play Overwatch with my high schools old Esports team. It was short lived, poorly managed and didn't really help me improve in the way I wanted.


I've been playing Valorant since the beta, and am currently on the grind to Plat. When I first started Valorant I was Iron 1 and played over 50 games in hopes of getting into Bronze 1 (where I thought I'd stay for a good majority of my time on this game). I fell in love with how accessible and fun to play Valorant was, as well as how welcoming it could be to females. There is toxicity everywhere but I defiantly felt like it fuels me to keep doing better and keep seeking out more and more. I am currently Gold 1 with my peak ranking being high Gold 3.


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