

Noelle | 22 years old

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To improve my gameplay and play competitively

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In the few months I have been playing Valorant, I have learned a great deal about strategies for attacking/defending, working as a team, overall gamesense (tracking abilities, tracking enemy and team positions, predicting the next move in a round), and how to communicate information to the team. I am a flexible player who can fill team roles. I am extremely comfortable with Brimstone and Sage and I can play as them on any map, defending and attacking, with full use of their kits. If needed, I can also play Breach and Phoenix to help the team get aggressive pushes. I am currently Bronze 1.

As an analytical person, I enjoy thinking of ways to help the team succeed, from reflecting on past rounds, seeing what went well and what went wrong, and trying new, unpredictable strategies to keep the enemies on their feet. I never have and never will be toxic or become tilted- my uplifting attitude keeps me focused and steady. I always encourage my teammates no matter what happens in a round- I know even a little positivity can go a long way. I am motivated to learn with an open mind and I am committed to play. I am excited to learn to work with a full team and improve my gameplay.


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