

Shubh Gupta | 22 years old

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I want to become a professional gamer, join a top-tier team, and if I get this huge opportunity in future, I will make my own team and represent my country worldwide. Not just gaming, I want to build a whole brand about gaming, that anyone in India, who is unable to get basic level of gaming, I can provide them with it.

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Dear Seek Team

I am writing to express my strong interest in applying for a position in esports teams. As a dedicated and skilled player of Valorant, I believe that I have the qualities and experience necessary to make a positive contribution to the teams that I will be chosen in.

As a passionate gamer, I have spent countless hours playing and perfecting my skills in Valorant, CSGO. Through my dedication and hard work, I have achieved a high level of proficiency in the game, consistently demonstrating strategic thinking, quick reflexes, and precise aim. I am confident that my experience and expertise in Valorant will enable me to be a valuable asset.

Furthermore, I am highly ambitious and committed to achieving success in the field of esports. I understand that being a part of an esports team requires more than just individual skill; it requires a strong work ethic, effective communication, and a willingness to learn and improve. I am fully committed to working collaboratively with my teammates, listening to feedback, and continuously striving to improve my gameplay.

In addition to my skills and dedication, I believe that my personal qualities make me an ideal candidate. I am a positive and motivated individual who is always eager to learn and grow. I have excellent communication skills and am able to work effectively with others, even in high-pressure situations.

Thank you for considering my application. I would be honored to have the opportunity to join a esports team and contribute their success.


Shubh Gupta


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