

Skert | 25 years old

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Looking to test my skills and take my game to the next level and if it takes me to the pro leagues then all the better.

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Immortal player coming from 3.5k hours of CSGO experience, formerly A+ on ESEA in CSGO.

Maps and Agents:

Ascent- Main Sage have also picked up brimstone quite a bit on this map and I seem to do very well can also play a decent reyna on this map if needed.
Bind- Sage, almost always. Brimstone/omen if someone locks sage.
Haven- (in order of preference) 1. Sage 2. Cypher 3. Brimstone 4. Sova
Icebox- Sova/Sage
Breeze- Sage/Sova
Split- Sage/Reyna/cypher

Playstyle: Always good for at least one on a site anchor, I generally go for flanks or quick rotates, attack side i prefer to lurk but also make a great support for site entry to trade our duelists. My playstyle is very situational depending on the map and the enemy's comp and playstyle, I will exploit any weakness i see in the enemy team whether that be quick flanking or taking aggressive peeks against people with an inferior skill level. Where I excel the most is in the clutch, I'm the man you want in your 1v2 1v3 situation.


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