
Sl33p Deprived

Sleep | 22 years old

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I am 18+ and I have been playing Valorant for about 6 months. I currently avoid ranked just due to the fact that it is typically very toxic since I am a solo queue player. Gameplay wise I can play any Agent, with the exception of Astra I'm still learning her. I can fill every role and don't have a preference. I am always looking to improve my gameplay. I have never tried to get into esports, I've just been told by several people to give it a shot and see where it goes. I can be a great fit in any team and with anyone that I am needed to. I'm looking to improve in my skills as well as fit into a team. I believe that the most important thing is the win, even if I am bottom frag as long as we get the win and I do my job that is all that matters. With that being said, I always look to improve my skills and never settle for a bare performance and effort.


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