

aidan | 23 years old

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I'm currently hardstuck Gold 1 and looking for a group of chill but competitive players to climb to high plat/low diamond with over the summer. My schedule is pretty flexible and I willing to queue/practice/scrim p much whenever.

Also looking to stream in the near future :)

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Greetings everyone!

My name is Aidan (aka spooner) and I'm a 20 y/o college student from Chicago. I play a lot of video games in my free time and I'm an experienced tactical FPS player. I have over 2k hours in CS:GO where I reached Legendary Eagle in 2018 as well as about 500 hours in Rainbow, ranked Diamond.

I played a lot of Valorant during the beta and release where I was ranked plat/diamond but I had to take a break for school and started playing competitively again during Ep. 2, Act 2. I'm currently hardstuck trying to solo queue in low gold elo, mostly playing Sova, Raze, and Omen/Astra, though I'm open to filling any role needed.

Feel free to hmu if you have a group that would be interested!


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