

Luca | 19 years old

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While my ambitions are vague, I would like to compete in high-level tournaments in VALORANT.

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I am sixteen and looking to join up with some fellow VALORANT players to improve in VALORANT. Specifically, I am looking to improve my communications skills with my team, as well as my ability to coordinate with my team. In general, I hope to learn how to properly function as a team in VALORANT.

Mechanical Skill: I would say my mechanical skill is certainly above average, around low-mid diamond level. My raw aim is good, as well as my crosshair placement. I am also skilled with the OPERATOR, especially when playing jett, and my recoil control is pretty good as well.

Game Sense: When it comes to clutching, I find myself usually successful, seeing as I have a lot of experience trying to clutch since I play lurk a lot. My positioning is also quite good, I know multiple advanced setups for killjoy, cypher and Omen, and I also know some high-level plays for characters such as jett or phoenix.

Mindset: Plat and Diamond territory is a toxic cesspool, and I constantly find myself cursed with incredibly toxic and arrogant teammates. Thus, I understand the extreme importance of keeping toxicity at bay, and approaching everything optimistically. Either conflict between teammates, or just bad morale in general can cripple your teams odds of winning a game. I am confident that I would never, ever be toxic to any of my teammates, as there is simply no point. I play to try to win, not to get toxic and lose. Another good quality I think I possess is that I try to carefully and calmly analyze all of my mistakes and fix them instead of getting angry at myself or my teammates.

Rank: I am currently diamond 1, but I have seen rapid progression as three days before I had achieved this rank, I was only gold three. Albeit, I had capped at Plat 2 the previous season, but I took a short hiatus from VALORANT and instead played csgo for like a month and came back and became gold 3 - diamond 1 in just a few days. Personally, I think that I can improve quickly, and I want to do so by surrounding myself with other non-toxic enjoyers of VALORANT also looking to improve.


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