
SyqePhntom #5307

skye | 23 years old

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My goal is to one day reach immortal and perhaps even radiant but those ranks are still out of reach by a long shot and I know I must continue to improve my skills in doing so improving my rank. My other goal is to just be able to join an organization for valorant which will aid me in continuing to play and enjoy valorant as well as improving my skills.

online experience

  • Top 500 in NA in overwatch
  • Picked up by Team Infernal Drake in league of legends
  • diamond in rainbow six siege

offline experience

  • No experiences yet


Hi! Names phntom and I am looking to join a valorant team! I haven't been playing valorant for long but have brought over my skills from other fps games such as overwatch and siege. I mostly do play raze as and entry fragger but am willing to choose different characters and play different play styles if needs be. Some of my experience in other games is reaching top 500 in NA region in overwatch, reaching diamond on siege and getting picked up by a team in league of legends which I current do not play anymore. I am looking forward to improving my game sense and skills aand to learn new skills that benefit the team and organization as a whole.


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