

Giovanni Solorzano | 31 years old

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I really want to make it in esports, I love video games yet could never truly apply myself in my younger age due to my own selfish desires. Now with most of them overcome, I am ready to try and be a champion. Where we as a team end up being champion doesnt matter because we can be multi-time champions or enjoy the journey to that goal. Who knows, maybe even end up with a Valorant version of Team Runaways story. Valorant is an amazing and almost easy to get into game. I want to provide as much help as possible to my future team as I can, to be of use. The characters I use in Valorant are Sage, Renya, Sova, and Viper, with me currently trying to learn Raze. I also prefer the Judge shotgun and the silencer pistol for my weapons but can play the guardian and other rifles.

online experience

  • Valorant, Overwatch

offline experience

  • No experiences yet


I am a very reasonable and chill player. I have played between a number of fps games such as Boarderlands, Overwatch, and now Valorant. A few others in there like Call of Duty and Apex for fun but can't remember any others. I am usually someone who is relaxed and non toxic in the least. I prefer to aid others in game. Be more of an emotional leader to not tilt as I myself early on in my Overwatch gaming had major issues with that that I have gotten over mostly. I will admit that my biggest weakness as a player isn't being toxic towards others but rather myself as I have a bad habit of self deprecation or downing myself as it were, whenever I mess up. I have gotten it under control in a team setting but when it does start it goes from 0 - 50 for myself as I still train to fix that kink in my otherwise decent armor. I am very good at listening to criticism, love to learn and strategize with teammates. I am also coming over from console but feel as though Valorant is such an amazing game and continuously learn to the best of my current abilities. I am currently 27 years old and I know in the world of esports that's nearing the end of a career age, so I am on the older side. With that in mind I do bring considerable experience with it in helping others communicate and maintain a healthy environment for a team while on coms.
Thank you for any and all consideration. Any other questions you may have for me, please feel free to DM and ask me.


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