
Vandalism/Synapse and many more

mischa | 25 years old

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online experience

  • Highest German League in csgo, won highest swiss league a lot of times, good placements in tier 2 european leagues

offline experience

  • 1. SwitzerLan 2017, some other top 3s


I used to play csgo semi professionally and was one of Switzerlands hottest prospects before retiring after a wrist surgery in 2019. I dabbled in Valorant a bit since beta and started grinding 8 months ago after first reaching immo. I been boosting fresh and in use accounts to immortal 2-3ish ever since. I ve been transitioning from playing jett/reyna to maining chamber/viper/kay o and I usually get 75% winrate until immo3. My aim and crosshair placement is honestly still pro level and since my gameplay is improving rapid as a motherfucker and flawless more often than not I figured putting my skills to the test in competitive Valorant and trying to go pro whilst im at it might be worthwile. I will have try outs with any serious high ranked team. I call a ton, I have gamesense and get ridicolous headshots. Im a hybrid player ever since competitive csgo. I get stupid headshots all the time so they aint stupid no more.

I play Chamber/Viper/Kay-O/Reyna/Omen/Jett


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