

Pathana | 29 years old

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For me, the 'end-game' goal is to be able to make a living off competing, or content-creation for an organization. Alongside that, to make connections with people and create memories.

For in-game, I want to be Radiant in VALORANT!

On a slightly lower scale, I want to compete in tournaments, something I actually have not done much in my gaming experience.

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Hi there! My name is Pat, I'm 26 years-old, and my in-game name is viset.

Starting off with my gaming background, I started when I was young, playing SNES with my older brothers. Games were present in my life growing up, all the way up to today. I spent different periods in my life in different genres, the most notable in my memory being in MMORPGs. As time went on, my interest changed back and forth, to MMOs, jRPGs, fighting games, FPS, TPS, strategy here and there, etc. Xbox 360 was the console that really got me into online multiplayer, and I played console the whole time through grade school, before switching to PC in 2012, after building my first PC. League of Legends was my first interest, and then I tried out Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. My love for FPS on keyboard and mouse was created from that game (I didn't play past CS games).

Around the later parts of high school was when I developed my competitive drive a lot more. Competing against another player, with something on the line, be it rank in online playlists or money, that feeling is what makes competitive games fun for me. Every player is serious and has a desire to defeat the other team; that is what I love.

I made that sound really corny (to me), but it's how I feel! I feel like my ability to take criticism and build on that to improve and willingness/desire to learn new ideas in and out-of-game are valuable aspects to have as a player.

I understand I'm on the 'older' side for gaming, but I want to give team play a try.


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