

Alexander | 22 years old

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My ambition is to become a professional player in any E-sport team, to play in the highest leagues one day. I have high hopes that I will achieve them furthermore improve myself as a person.

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I have a lot of experience in FPS games. I started playing games when I was six years old and began playing FPS games around eight years old(mostly COD). I started out on Playstation but swapped over to PC when I was 14.
Ever since I started playing games I had a goal of joining an E-sports team to play professionally, I could not find the right games until Valorant came and I realized that this game would become big furthermore I would be able to make a career out of it.

Recently I have been playing Valorant for about five months now, I played a bit during the beta but I would not consider that any experience. During my experience in Valorant and past FPS games, I managed to climb from Silver II to Diamond III. My game sense is above the average, I always try to stay calm in any situation, and always try to keep a bright mindset making sure I win as many rounds as possible. I am a great team player furthermore can adapt easily to the team. I still would not say I have mastered the game, there is still things I can fine-tune in my gameplay and I know that if I join an E-sport team I will adapt more as a person and learn new things while providing for the team, furthermore I am always open to criticism and changes.

I have over 1,000 hours on Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. I reached Legendary Eagle Master during the summer of 2018. I have a lot of experience in FPS games. I started playing games when I was six years old and began playing FPS games around 8 years old(mostly COD).


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