

Apex Legends | XBOX ONE | United States

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To help each other improve in areas needed and support one another with our goals

online experience

  • You’ll have to prove your worth in a match
  • Must be adept in most types of competitive games
  • Please have a way of voice communication if you want to try out.

offline experience

  • Cannot have a violent background or a criminal record with a felony on file, this is because we want to have a good reputation I hope you all understand


This is supposed to be a friendly team of players who want to pursue their dreams in gaming, streaming, and eSports. If you really want to reach your goals your gonna need a little support so that’s what we are here for. Once this team becomes large enough we will be moving on and creating divisions for the members to work their way up. If you want to help and join the effort or just looking for an opportunity give us a shot. We don’t bite.... as a rule.


  • Must be 15 years old or older
  • Must be determined to get this done, we need as much help as we can get.


  • not specified

No recruitment offer yet

Consult offers and apply to join this team

This team is no longer recruiting new players. You can either wait until their next recruitment campaign, or become premium to apply in their waiting list. This way, they'll be notified that you're interesting in joining them.

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