
Wulver eSports CSGO

Counter-Strike 2 | PC | United Kingdom

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-Non-toxic, at all. -Non-whiny / moany. -High CS IQ. Just because you're having a bad day or a bad game on the scoreboard doesn't mean you suck. You can still have high impact on rounds with 0 frags and 0 dmg. -Dedication. Don't want any players who don't put time into themselves. If you forget a smoke or don't know a smoke that comes up in pracc or in a game / scrim. Go learn it, no one should have to tell you to, you should do it willingly to better the team. No players that just turn up to team prac and never play the game outside, you should be praccing outside of team pracc. DMs etcetc. -Ability to take criticism. No this doesn't mean sit there and take shit from people, it should be an open conversation, things only should come up to better the team, and just because one person thinks something is right doesn't necessarily mean it is law, there's no correct way to play this game. Ability to learn and accept. We might think we're good players, but in the grand scheme of the entire CS scene, we're not. But that doesn't mean we can't be, so no one with an ego, who thinks they know everything or knows best. I'm confident in my abilities to play to a high level, but I know I have a lot to learn. -When we start prac I don't want to be your typical UK team who just scrim or who learn strats and setups etcetc at a snails pace. I've seen teams who have like 2 strats on a map in a month and still can't even run those 2 very efficiently. We're gonna be praccing a lot and polishing things so you need to have the brain power for it as well as the dedication to it. -No one who "just wants to play". Being a good team is so much more than just playing, and we want someone who understands that. That means in prac even if we are just scrimming, we might run particular "drills" to improve. For example, we might notice we're particularly strong at holding banana aggressively on inferno when we have full nades to take it, but every time we are on force buy or have low economy we often lose the round / site. So as a "drill" we'd never take banana in our scrims to practice holding further back for when we can't take banana or car, or we might limit the utility we buy to practice for rounds in which we can't full buy. You get the idea. -People who buy into a system and are supportive of it. That could be the calling system, it could be the way your site partner plays a site, you could join the team and find your site partner is used to playing it the complete opposite way to you. You might be used to a super strict calling style, are you able to then adapt to a loose one? Or visa versa? -No one with past or present game bans, especially no one with VACs. If your account looks suspect be prepared to show old accounts etc. -Just a genuinely nice person, we're going to be spending a lot of time in discord and in a server together, and chemistry is huge in this game, so why would anyone want to spend it with people who they can't wait to get away from after a couple of hours.


  • 16+
  • UK Based
  • LAN Attentable


  • not specified

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