
Cybax Gaming

Counter-Strike 2 | PC | Canada

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Cybax Gaming logo
not premium


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Being Pro at CS:GO , win big LANS and be popular towards the CS:GO community. We want at first to do CEVO seasons and then go play ESEA.

Etre Pro a CS:GO , gagner des gros tournois LAN et etre populaire dans la communaute de CS:GO. Nous prevoyons jouer des saisons de CEVO en premier et apres aller jouer sur le site ESEA.

online experience

  • No experiences yet

offline experience

  • No experiences yet


We are a canadian ''team'' currently recruiting high skilled players with a lot of maturity and discipline. We are bilingual but our first language remains french. We're currently both LEM's with a little bit of CEVO experience in scrims. We are looking for a fast awper, a rifler and a strat caller that brings life to the team to bring us back in the game if any problems occur. We want LEM's & + .

Nous sommes une "équipe" Canadienne qui cherche des joueurs avec des "skills" très éguisées de la maturité et de la discipline. Nous sommes en se moment deux LEM's avec un peu d'experience de scrims dans CEVO. Nous avons besoins de un awper très rapide , un "rifler" et un strat caller qui va donner de la vie dans l'équipe dans nos moments dur et nous remetre dans la game.


  • not specified


  • not specified

No recruitment offer yet

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This team is no longer recruiting new players. You can either wait until their next recruitment campaign, or become premium to apply in their waiting list. This way, they'll be notified that you're interesting in joining them.

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