
ETG Clan

Fortnite | MULTIPLATFORM | Australia

no recruitment in progress

apply on waiting list
ETG Clan logo
not premium


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To help players grown and succeed so they can reach their ultimate goal. Also to make unknown or underrated players gain the recognition they deserve and always wanted

online experience

  • Good amount of competitive fortnight knowledge
  • Well above average
  • Has above average mechanic skills that they can use in game not just creative

offline experience

  • Grinds to improve in creative


Welcome to ETG. We are out there looking for underrated players that exceeding in skill and all they need is a little recognition. That's what we are here for. What makes our clan different from others is that rather than benefiting from our players, the players can benefit from us as we help them and keep them motivated either intellectual or giving advice. One thing we make sure our players know is that, even if they might not have the fame they expected. All they need to do is stay motivated and grinding and they will soon reach and succeed in whatever they are aiming for. Even though we may not be big but we are working day and night and putting in the effort to make it out and start recruiting and helping players reach their ultimate. The main aspect of a player that we are going to look for is how much effort they put in grinding and improving and if they have the talent or if they can exceed if they were given the right peripheral. All we can say now is from behalf of ETG good luck and we will see you out there.


  • Above average
  • Puts in enough time and energy in grinding and improving or making content.


  • not specified

No recruitment offer yet

Consult offers and apply to join this team

This team is no longer recruiting new players. You can either wait until their next recruitment campaign, or become premium to apply in their waiting list. This way, they'll be notified that you're interesting in joining them.

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