

League of Legends | PC | Germany

no recruitment in progress

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BlindCrackers logo
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Hallo! We are a team of housemates from TU Chemnitz, Germany, who are interested in playing in competitions now, beginning with the one on campus in November. Our team, BlindCrackers, is composed already of a mid, supp and top and need an ADC and jg to complete the team. Also, it would be best to have back-ups for all the positions just incase and suggested by everyone so would like other positions to get in touch as well. My summoner name is JaceJ so don't hesitate to add me either way. See on the fields of League. Tschüs!

online experience

  • No experiences yet

offline experience

  • No experiences yet


Hallo! We are a team of housemates from TU Chemnitz, Germany, who are interested in playing in competitions now, beginning with the one on campus in November. Our team, BlindCrackers, is composed already of a mid, supp and top and need an ADC and jg to complete the team. Also, it would be best to have back-ups for all the positions just incase and suggested by everyone so would like other positions to get in touch as well. My summoner name is JaceJ so don't hesitate to add me either way. See on the fields of League. Tschüs!


  • not specified


  • not specified

No recruitment offer yet

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This team is no longer recruiting new players. You can either wait until their next recruitment campaign, or become premium to apply in their waiting list. This way, they'll be notified that you're interesting in joining them.

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