
Name to be chosen

League of Legends | MOBILE | Czechia

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ENG: With some guys we are planning to create a team with the highest expectations, go pro in League of legends: Wild Rift. Currently we are 2 ex-pro Arena of valor players, me as semi-pro League of legends and semi-pro Heroes of the storm and semi-pro Arena of valor player..... and one ex-pro Arena of valor coach who is going to play with us as a player. If there is any interested guy, just message me or apply to this team. CZ: S pár lidma různých národností hledáme anglicky mluvícího hráče, co by se k nám přidal. Chceme začít hrát League of legends: Wild Rift hned, jak to vyjde na profesionálním levelu. Jsme zatím 2 bývalý Arena of valor hráči, já (bývalý polo profesionál několika her.. - Heroes of the storm, lolko, Arena of valor ) a jeden ex-pro hráč a coach Arena of valor (taky čech). Kdybys měl zájem, určitě napiš. ;-)


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This team is no longer recruiting new players. You can either wait until their next recruitment campaign, or become premium to apply in their waiting list. This way, they'll be notified that you're interesting in joining them.

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